Additional Travel Options Being Offered by PATH; Customer Service Ambassadors Deployed To Inform and Assist Customers NEWARK, NJ – NJ TRANSIT is supporting customers who travel to and from PATH’s Hoboken Station while they complete extensive renovation work from January 30 through February 25. Customers are encouraged to view all alternate service options provided by PATH,…
FOR SPRING 2025 SEMESTER NJ Transit has announced that the popular “Buy 3 Months, Get 1 Month Free” promotion returns for full-time and eligible part-time college students during the Spring 2025 semester. In addition to the regular Student Pass discount of 25-percent already in place, Students heading back to class in spring 2025 via NT…
We acknowledge your pledge and appreciate your efforts to improve the environment. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to reach out to us directly:Luis Delgado, DirectorHudson TMAA division of the Hudson County Improvement Authority(201)
The Federal Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) established the Safe Streets & Roads for All (SS4A) discretionary grant program. SS4A will provide funding for Hudson County to develop and implement a Vision Zero Safety Action Plan that will help eliminate all motor vehicle fatalities and serious injuries by providing safe and equitable mobility for all and…
Hudson TMA staff will share pedestrian safety practices as they read from safety themed books to the class. Books at various grade levels can be presented to grades K through 2. Free copies of our Walking and Rolling to School with Buster the Bus will be provided to your school library and appropriate classrooms. To…
> >descargar folleto
>Download our pdf to review the health benefits of regular cycling and why you should get on a bike! Download presentation
>The Light Rail is a great, inexpensive way to get around Hudson County. Below are some tips on how you can get to your destination safetly. Download the presentation
> >Drivers have been searching for ways to be more cost efficient and eco-friendly while on the road. The solution for many has been to trade in their traditional gasoline powered car or SUV for an electric vehicle. Switching to an electric vehicle can reduce your carbon footprint by up to 50%. Gasoline vehicles are responsible…
>Download the fun activity books below.
>Be predictable. Follow the rules of the road and obey signs and signals. Walk on sidewalks whenever they are available. If there is no sidewalk, walk facing traffic and as far from traffic as possible. Keep alert at all times; don’t be distracted by electronic devices that take your eyes (and ears) off the road….
>Look out for pedestrians everywhere, at all times. Safety is a shared responsibility. Use extra caution when driving in hard-to-see conditions, such as nighttime or bad weather. Slow down and be prepared to stop when turning or otherwise entering a crosswalk. Yield to pedestrians in crosswalks and stop well back from the cross-walk to give…
>Watch the important video below and learn how to ride your bike safely on the road.
>The extra power and acceleration from e-bikes and scooters call for extra precautions. Watch the two videos below about what you should know about electric biking.
>Every time you drive, you have the opportunity to save lives by slowing down and avoiding distractions. Even hands-free diversions can have deadly consequences but driving just 5–10 mph slower can save pedestrian lives.
>Kids and adults can keep pedestrians safe by respecting one another and the rules of the road. Learn how to stay safe walking down a busy street, arriving at an intersection or crossing a crosswalk. Plus, learn a musical checklist to keep walkers aware of potential danger.
>Download Instructions on how to build your own kite Download Instructions on how to make your own pinwheel Download Instructions on how to make your own license plate
>Information to come
>Coloring pages, word searches and more!
>Below are two transportation programs for seniors, those with disabilities and veterans. Transportation Services (TRANSCEND) This service is designed to help seniors over 60, persons with disabilities over 18, and veterans receive the mobility they need to work and live in Hudson County. Those eligible will be supplied reliable transportation for medical appointments, employment, education,…
>Street Smart NJ is a public education campaign that aims to raise awareness of pedestrian and motorist laws and change the behaviors that lead to pedestrian and cyclist crashes and fatalities. The Hudson TMA partners with local police departments and community groups to bring the Street Smart NJ program to communities in Hudson County. It emphasizes…
>Learning to ride a bicycle without training wheels is a daunting task for everyone. In addition to our Learn to Ride station at our Annual Stride and Ride Bike Rodeo, the Hudson TMA will be hosting learn to ride classes for parents/guardians and their children at different locations throughout the year. Important: Register now
Our Privacy Policy Who we are Our website address is: How we may collect data from you Contact forms: Certain visitors on our website choose to interact with Hudson TMA in ways that require us to gather personally-identifying information. The amount and type of information that we gather depends on the nature of the interaction….
>Sustainable Jersey is a certification program for municipalities in New Jersey. It assists communities that wish to provide certain “go green” initiatives which over the long term will sustain their quality of life and in many cases save money. It is the most successful statewide municipal sustainability certification program in the country. The program recognizes…
>In response to the high rate of fatalities for Senior pedestrians, the Hudson TMA provides free safety presentations to help our Seniors travel more safely. Seniors represent 10.4% of Hudson’s population; but, accounts for 31.4% of pedestrian related fatalities. To help change these grave statistics, the TMA offers free community safety seminars to discuss the…
>Participation in community orientated events provides the TMA the opportunity to extend our message of better walkways, bikeways, and the reduction in the use of single occupancy vehicles. The Hudson TMA is proud to support organizations and local grass roots efforts aimed at improving our quality of life. Each year the Hudson TMA can be…
This program encourages our children to walk to school on Wednesdays through incentives and education. Your school partners with the TMA in helping our children to make the best choice in their commute to school. If you are interested in this program call the TMA at 201-324-6222 or email.
Let’s form an organized group of children and parents/guardians walking a planned route to school. A child and adult begin the route “picking up” the next child and the next and the next (get the idea) with adults volunteering supervision along the way to school. This walking school bus can operate as many days of…
>We invite grammar schools in Hudson County to participate in our unique program encouraging parents and family members to walk their children to school rather than drop them off by car. To “kick-off” and show support for the program, the TMA staff, accompanied by our mascot, Buster the Bus, lead a short ceremonial morning walk…
>The State of New Jersey, through the New Jersey Department of Transportation, and the Hudson TMA recognize the efforts and successes of the schools and municipalities who assist the TMA in providing Safe Routes to School programs. Such programs may be Walk/Bike to School, Golden Sneaker Contest, Safety Jeopardy, Safety Pedestrian Poster Contest, Bike Safety…
>An interactive Jeopardy style game teaching pedestrian and bicycle safety is available to your third and fourth graders. Let the Hudson TMA host an educational program to improve your students’ safety. Call the TMA at 201-324-6222 or email.
Program currently under development.
>Create a poster for National Walk Day! Every year the Hudson TMA provides a poster contest for children living in Hudson County. This provides an opportunity for children to exercise their creative and artistic abilities, while also thinking about various pedestrian or bicycling safety rules or the importance of walking or biking to school. Here…
>Once the training wheels come off, the bicycle is transformed from a toy to a vehicle. Children may learn how to pedal and balance, but are they learning the best methods and the safest way to ride? A complete bicycling curriculum has been developed for use in our elementary schools. This curriculum can become part of…
>Hudson continues to encourage walking through the Golden Sneaker Award Program. Students in grades 2 and 3 are given pedometers to see who can walk the most. The class with the highest number of steps is awarded the Golden Sneaker Trophy. Small and simple changes in our daily routine can save tons of carbon emissions…
Today, more bikes are on the road as more travelers are choosing bicycling as a healthy and pro-environmental mode of transportation for commuting, shopping and other short trips. Today’s motorists, however, have little experience sharing the road with bikes. Unfortunately, driver’s ed classes only teach how to manage the road with other motorists, not bicyclists….
>Let’s recognize our crossing guards. The Hudson TMA will assist your school in showing your appreciation for what they do each day. Children will get a better understanding and respect for their cross walk protectors by making posters and cards which acknowledge their service. The TMA will provide a plaque which can be presented along…
>A popular offering in the spring is the Hudson TMA Bike Safety program. This interactive presentation prepares our children for the many safety challenges while bicycling in our urban community. TMA staff demonstrates use of safety gear, signaling, driving rules, “riding smart” skills and “courtesy equals safety” tips. To schedule the TMA to come to…
>The Hudson TMA supports bicycling to school. TMA staff offers bicycle safety education and assistance when families or schools are looking to organize a “bike train” to and from school. To organize a Bike Train or receive more information call our staff directly at 201-324-6222 or email.
>NOMINATIONS The Transportation Management Association Council of New Jersey seeks nominations to honor companies for their outstanding achievements in implementing programs that provide and promote commuting alternatives for their employees, thus reducing traffic congestion and improving air quality. Under the NJ Smart Workplaces program, official representatives may nominate their companies for the bronze, silver, gold,…
The Hudson TMA offers free Coffee Seminars which present interesting and helpful information on transportation related topics to your employees. “Road Rage & You”, “Fighting Fatigue”, “Child Safety”, “Poor Weather Driving”, and “Casual Polluting” are just some of the topics we offer in a brief interactive 20 minute lunch time presentation. To receive more information…
>Carpools and vanpools can be convenient and more efficient when most of the riders are from the same worksite. Rather than trying to join existing car/vanpools, commuters may prefer to form their own. The staff from Hudson TMA can assist by setting up an information table or by providing a group presentation. To receive more information…
>Employer Sponsored Shuttles The Hudson TMA can assist in forming shuttles sponsored by the employer, which may cover either short or long distances. Our experienced staff will plan all of the logistical work and our software specialists will produce customized maps specific to your company. The TMA, as a liaison to transit agencies, can determine…
>Beginning March 1, 2020, New Jersey employers with 20+ employees will be required to offer pre-tax transportation fringe benefits to their employees. The law (Senate Bill No. 1567) was signed by Governor Phil Murphy on March 1, 2019. Employers have the opportunity to offer their employees a pretax benefit by processing a payroll deduction in…
>The LEED green building certification program encourages and accelerates global adoption of sustainable green building and development practices through a suite of rating systems that recognize projects that implement strategies for better environmental and health performance. The Hudson TMA can, at no cost, assist in the certification process. Our staff can perform formal and informal…
>Employers struggle with many obstacles when relocating their business, but their employees’ transit issues do not have to be one of them. Our staff will visit your current location at no cost to assist in addressing each employee’s concern regarding mass transit routes, fares, accessibility and alternate modes of transportation. The TMA can provide a…
>Among the services performed by a TMA, the Transit Fair is the most requested. To keep up to date with new routes and programs, NJ businesses schedule Transit Fairs with their TMA once or twice a year. Employer’s benefit when the TMA helps employees find the best way to commute. At no cost, the Hudson TMA…
Map of County Parks and Walkways Bicycling appeals mostly to those who commute five miles or less. Walking attracts those who live less than two miles from work. These commute choices tend to attract fitness-oriented and environmentally-conscious people and are most successful in areas with a flat terrain, sidewalks, little traffic and bicycle-compatible roads. Employers…
>The New Jersey Department of Transportation uses cameras on state highways to help traffic flow as efficiently and safely as possible and to handle emergencies. Traffic cameras are available for many of the highways in New Jersey and can be viewed here.
>NJ TRANSIT Hudson-Bergen Light Rail Train Bus INDEPENDENT LINES Coach USA Academy Bus Trans Bridge Lines THE PORT AUTHORITY OF NY & NJ PATH Trains Newark Liberty International Airport WATER TRANSIT NY Waterway LOCAL TRANSIT Secaucus Community Shuttle NEW YORK CITY TRANSIT Subway and Bus
>Carpooling and vanpooling are popular modes of transportation. All across the country, many commuters choose a form of rideshare as a convenient and more economical option. For some, it is the only option when more traditional modes such as buses, trains or light rail cannot fully accommodate their needs. The Hudson TMA encourages the use…
>North Bergen 1. Bus Connection to NYC Port Authority The lot is located at West Side Avenue and Paterson Plank Road by Penhorn Ave. and 37th St. in North Bergen. This facility offers easy access to New York City via NJ Transit bus #320. An overflow parking lot for this location is also located at…
>Commuting is costly, but sharing the ride is quite a savings. Aside from the cost of gas, you must also figure in the added cost for maintenance, insurance, registration, sales tax, depreciation and finance charges. Use the commuting cost calculator to figure out exactly how much you can save. Call the Hudson TMA @ 201-324-6222,…
>Giving up your car and taking mass transit may be a difficult transition. The Hudson TMA encourages commuters who work in Hudson County to switch to mass transit as it is often more cost effective and always better for the environment. To help transition travelers, the TMA may find certain commuters eligible for a 50%…
>CarFree Day or CarFree Week is an annual event which is hosted in major cities all over the world. Travelers are asked to go either CarFree or Car-lite for at least one day during a designated week, usually in September. It encourages everyone to cut down on the pollution caused by cars by using alternate…
>Grab your bike and join the world-wide movement to improve the environment and your health!Hudson TMA provides bicycle commuting information, safety tips and free mini bike tune ups for commuters every May during bike to work week. Support cycling as a positive alternative.
>The Hudson TMA provides programs to encourage commuters to use a bicycle whenever they can. Unfortunately, there are many adults who would like to use a bike as part of their commute, but cannot afford one. The Hudson TMA Bike Rehab program works to address this problem. The TMA receives donated bicycles and rehabs them….
>Each year the Hudson TMA offers free classes to individuals wanting to improve their skills and gain more confidence riding in Hudson County. They will also learn more about cycling safety and the rules of the road. Certified instructors provide a program which takes place both in the classroom as well as on the street….
Each year, on the third Friday in September, the Hudson TMA participates in Park(ing) Day1. It is an annual international event where metered parking spaces are temporarily transformed into a mini park. The originators of Park(ing) Day conceived the event as a way for people to re-imagine our urban landscape. In addition to this goal,…
>The Federal Government allows employees to set aside a certain portion of pre-tax wages, which can be used for your mass transit commuting costs and parking while reducing your federal taxable income. The Federal Government currently allows a pre-tax commuter benefit of $280 per month. That means you could save up to $900/year by not…
>We understand the difficulties commuters face when they carpool or vanpool. In our efforts to keep car/vanpools rolling, we have recognized that it is common for passengers to be concerned how they will get home if their driver has to leave work early or stay late due to an emergency. Additionally, the passenger may have…
>Sharing the ride in a carpool has benefited travelers since the invention of the automobile. Carpooling serves two to five persons and is more often utilized as a convenient and money saving mode to commute to and from work. View our Carpool brochure There are three ways to participate in a carpool: You may join…
>If you use a bicycle when commuting, please register with the TMA by completing our registration form. As a TMA registered cyclist you can enjoy free membership in the Emergency Ride Home Program. You will also benefit by receiving notices on any upcoming bicycle education classes and get the opportunity to collaborate on many of our bike…
>Are vanpools right for you? If you travel about 15 miles or more each way to work and have a schedule that’s relatively consistent, you’re a good prospect! Vanpools consist of 7 to 15 passengers and are operated by the van riders. The vehicle is leased from a state approved van provider for a fee…
Bike Share is a great option for Hudson County. To learn more about pricing, membership and which service you can use, visit the following websites: Citi Bike Jersey City
Contact us for assistance with this or any Hudson TMA program. Call 201.324.6222 or contact us via e-mail at