Go Out Smart Stay Apart!

We’ve all been staying home and limiting our outdoor activities for months to reduce the spread of COVID-19. Our efforts are paying off and we’re finally seeing meaningful progress. As the curve continues to flatten and the weather begins to get warmer, cabin fever has set in and most of us are ready to enjoy the fresh air and sunlight.
With Hudson County and State Parks now open to residents and more restrictions being lifted, it’s up to all of us to do our part to keep ourselves and those around us healthy. So if you’re headed out for a quick run, stroll through the park or a bike ride with the family, here’s a few important tips to follow before you head out the door. Visit our Virtual Learning Center for fun, educational resources about transportation safety for use at home.
Bike Apart

Always ride your bicycle in a bike lane, where applicable, and keep a safe six feet distance between you and other cyclists
Obey all traffic laws and wear a helmet
Prepare before you go, make sure your tires are filled and your brakes are functioning
Stay alert to your surroundings and be cautious — our healthcare system is already stressed and we don’t want to add to their stress with preventable injuries
Walk Apart

When in public space, we ask that you keep your nose and mouth covered
Walking with friends may be fun, but limit your interactions to only those who live in your immediate household
Always walk facing traffic to ensure motorists can you see you
If you’re visiting Hudson County Parks, take advantage of incremental street closures to further distance yourself from others and remember only passive recreation is permitted
Visit our Virtual Learning Center for fun, educational resources about transportation safety for use at home.